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"Spill It," the theater of the mind, is available on various platforms, allowing you to enjoy your favorite episodes anytime. If you're on a long journey and tired of the same repetitive music, you can listen to "Spill It" while traveling, at home, in your hotel room, or on your computer or mobile device. Simply download one of the podcast-hosting apps and explore familiar and unfamiliar territories.
Spill-it current cast
Welcome to the "Spill it" Podcast! Dive into Seasons 1 through 6, along with our Holiday Specials. "Spill it" is a "theatre of the mind" crafted to entertain, educate, and bring you joy.
In 2020, we faced unique challenges due to a virus that altered our lives, leading to job losses and time apart from loved ones. Instead of giving in to despair, I tapped into my creativity to share laughter, news, and connection with all.
I invite you to join us; "Spill it" is here to inspire thought, keep you informed, and most importantly, offer some relief. I hope you think of "Spill-ill it" as your go-to source for vocal entertainment.
Feel free to laugh with me or at me—just find the humor in it! If I've brightened your day or shared a nugget of knowledge, I’ve achieved my goal.
"Spill it" is proudly sponsored by Live Natural Explore their products at Welcome to "Spill it"!
"Spill it" podcast also heard on Amazon Music/Audible, Deezer, Libsyn Classic Feed, Podcast Page, Android App, iPhone/iPad App, Spotify, Google podcast and now Apple Podcast.
Have comments, questions or advise, email Spill it,
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